Oct 28, 2021
Solutions, Websites
The Role Of Microsoft Azure Datalake in Healthcare Industry
The Healthcare industry has surprisingly evolved to be the producers of maximum amount of data in the current times, especially after the Covis-19 pandemic. As predicted based on the rising importance of data collection, the medical professionals have adopted data collection tools to optimize this process.
In recent times, healthcare professionals have grown appreciative of a single-platform system for data preservation. This ensures easy access to healthcare data and also assures better protection of the data.
Hospitals across the world have tried out various tools to meet this need, but nothing has come close to Microsoft Azure Datalake.
It is unfathomable for normal people, the amount of data that hospitals create collectively. For a single person who does an MRI scan, a raw image data of upto 10gb is created and stored into the healthcare industry’s collective database. Now account the number of patients that go in for various scans and check-ups in all the hospitals combined every year and imagine the amount of data generated and stored.
The most user-friendly aspect of the Azure data lake is that it not only stores data of any time, but the software allows adequate and easy management of the same, by enabling users to search, share or analyse data. It also allows people to access raw data in real time without the need for any predefined structure or a third-party facilitator to decode the data.
The very idea of collecting and maintaining data sourced out of healthcare institutes is to better the overall quality of the healthcare infrastructure of the country and the world. We live in an era where data collection is no longer rocket science. We really do not need the most sophisticated softwares in place to merely collect, store, compute and avail the data.
But the data related to the healthcare industry, if not handled by highly secure software can have fatal consequences.
The data generated from the healthcare industry includes some of the most sensitive data.A data that indicates the most recurring diseases in a region that can result in the pharmaceutical companies manipulating the prices of certain drugs to capitalise on the diseases. If you let your thoughts run wild, the organ smuggling back-markets will also try to poarch and capitalise on the data available.
The data that was intended to assure the well-being of people can be very counterproductive if handled by careless softwares.
This is another reason why the Azure Datalake is preferred and celebrated by the healthcare industry in its entirety. The software makes sure, not only that the data is easily accessible to those who can access it, and extremely impenetrable for those who are denied access.
The importance of a system that can prevent the data from going into irresponsible hands must not be underestimated.
Azure Datalake makes sure that the healthcare infrastructure flourishes without leaving a loophole for the trespassers waiting to capitalise on any vulnerability in the system.
And above all, the Azure Datalake provides an affordable system of data collection. It is significantly cheaper than any other product that works with similar parameters. When it comes to healthcare, the cheaper the better. Afterall, we want to make a single platform accessible to all healthcare units to assure a fair and reasonable interpretation of data.
This also (and especially) includes the public hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
And the fact that it is a product by Microsoft gives it the credibility that data-collection softwares usually lacks.
Especially around the time of covid where we have seen the entire world shift to a hyper-digital space, it is high time that hospitals adapt as well.
There are a few mentionable tools that make Azure the chief of all database systems that suit the healthcare industry.
1.Psychographic prescriptive modeling:
This is a tool that accumulates and processes data about additional possible health risks of a patient. This can be done collecting and feeding the system the psychographic data of patients.
2.Genomic data analytics:
This is a tool that can help insurance providers collect and process massive amounts of genetic data. This will make the process more efficient, automated and agile.
3.Predictive medical costs:
This is a tool that helps you predict the cost of any medical expenses that you may have. This is done by accumicaling and processing massive amounts of data about health conditions, the medical procedure and the cost associated with it, so that the system can now predict the cost of what is to come.
4.Improved Clinical trial:
This is a tool that, in the light of all data accumulated, can prescribe combinations of drugs that can enhance the effectiveness of medical procedures.
In many ways, the Azure Datalake by Microsoft will transform the healthcare infrastructure as we know it. With the massive amounts of data securely collected and processed, we foresee a body of automated healthcare conduct. This negates almost any possibility of judgement bias, misimplementation of procedures and preference-bias in the insurance systems.
This expands healthcare beyond the capacity of human memory, decision making and data analysis.
Azure Datalake is a stream of possibilities that lead to a world with a healthcare infrastructure with agility like never before.